Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It is truly taking everything in me not to call her every cuss word I know!!!?

So last thursday my mom came and picked up me and my sister from school to help her at home because she was really sick and so were the babies. I didnt mind helping but when she asked me to stay home friday i knew i'd have a lot of work to make up from a 2 day absence but she said she'd do what she could to help me. So low and behold here I am trying to study for my chemistry test (which i already have a C- in chemistry) and i realize that I'm missing a lot of notes that I'm going to need to past this test tomorrow. I went to try and see if my mom would help me figure something out and she completely ignored me....COMPLETELY IGNORED ME!! she just kept doing whatever on her laptop and pretended i wasn't talking to her. Normally i would have gone off but Ive been getting into trouble for that so I've been trying to contain myself but this is the tpye of **** that makes me lose it! I helped her soooo much for not only those 2 days but the whole damn weekend and this is what i get? Just writing all this out is making me feel like fully submerging my computer in water. What do I do?

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