Friday, November 11, 2011

Do you put parsley and orgeno on chicken?

I am a great cook!! I dont believe in bragging but everything ive made....(most things) have come out delish! Anyway I know this is going to sound petty but yesterday i was making a chicken and i had no montreal seasoning i was making a roasted chicken...anyway so i was on the phone w/ my friend who thinks she knows how to cook and bake and let me tell you she only got into it like a month after i started telling her how much i love cooking and baking and she copies everything i do which believe me thats another story drives me crazy. anyway i was like darn i dont have any seasoning and shes like oh u have to use parsley and orgeno. I was like WHAT? ive never heard of using that for chicken i know i use parsley chopped up for meat but not a roasted chicken so im wondering do u think she was just pretending to know what she was talking about or have you heard of using that? I told u this was going to be petty but believe me if someone was copying you and then acting like they were the one who came up w/ the hobby you'd be annoyed too.

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