Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Should i dump him?

Okay, so i'm dating this really great guy. Let's call him Bob. Bob is in the Army. I'm in the Air Force. Bob is probably one of the best guys i've ever met. However, he never has time to spend with me. I see him a couple times on the weekends, and if i'm really lucky, once or twice during the week. is a rare commodity that I get once a week if i'm really lucky. I've been talking to another guy that we'll call Larry. He is in a rock band. He's gotten into a lot of trouble, but now he's in AA and trying to get his life on track. I really like him as well. And i'm very attracted to him physically. Bob doesn't seem to be comfortable around me yet. It takes a few hours to build up to our first kiss of the night which is ridiculous. I don't know what to do. I don't want to dump Bob over . Opinions?

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