Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Should I go MK, ME or MST in the Coast Guard?

I am a firemen and I am struggling to make a decision about which rate I want to go. I love working with my hands and do not enjoy desk work. I am interested in MST and ME, but there are neither of those at my station. What is it like in that rate as a Petty Officer 3rd cl and up?

Im 3 cm dilated and 1 day away from my 38th week?

And my cervix is "soft and squishy!" Yeah! Hopefully I will go into labour soon. With my son I never made it past 2. I had a sweep and a cervix softening gel with him and nothing moved me. My O.B didn't give me a sweep but she did "stir up some trouble." in her words. How are the rest of you ladies doing? Hanging tough or want to be done now too? I could have lasted forever with my son this baby I can't wait to be done. Im through with the stopping and starting of cramps and contractions. I finally have been crampy and uncomfortable for at least 16 hrs steady now. Nothing ground shaking but its a start. :)

How to Leave state after the child is born.. Without the father.?

Me and the childs father are not exactly on the same level. But due to flying complications with my pregnancy I cant make it back home until AFTER I have the child. But I do not want him to pull anything stupid and make me come back to live in Tennessee. I am planning on moving in with my Mother in Reno. We're not married, nor will the child have his last name. Is there anything he can do to make me stay or have to come back? I refuse to leave my kid with him, he lives in his moms house with his pothead sister.

How should i deal with her tonight?

ASK her for a date if she says no then it's not as if she has punched you is it ,but hey you will know where you stand good luck

Is God not a Monarch? Is Capitaism than ANTI-Christ? God calls himself a KING! Is America BurningBush?

Fellow American and immigrants that want to be, and to all peoples that would strive to see the world a better place! Did America invent the airplane? The Car, The Lightbulb, Television, Telephone, Metal hulled Warships? All in the name of Peace and prosperity, but more so for the protection of its citizens and those that would allie with us. We demonstrated nuclear energy and through our capitalistic system have proved to THE WORLD that we want to address ALL Men as equals. However our enemies have fought us by using our own technologies against us; by corupting the process of FREE THINKING. And now we are threatend by our own BILL OF RIGHTS. The Freedom of Religion is the worst Freedom allowed today because it allows for the corruption of ones mind. ALL RELIGIONS FORCE COMPLIANCE FROM THEIR MEMBERS or they are discommunicated, thrown out and Emancipated. Religions set a precedence for the return of MONARCHIAL RULE because they support the view that "GOD IS KING!" BOOOOO!

I want to join a fraternity at SJSU with a house. However, I'm afraid I won't get a bid.?

I'm scard I won't get a bid because the men in most frats are hot and athletic and popular and talkative. But I'm not really good-looking or talktative. But I still wanna join to make friends and form strong bonds and it will help my GPA. I'm just afraid of rejection or being ridiculed. What should I do?

Do u feel players playing in the domestic competition tournament lacks fan's support in the stadium?

This is most because of some the players are unkown to them but in international the players are very well known to them and they love seeing international teams and also in domestic there is no ranking system but in international there is ranking system

I was so embarred...my hollisters kept sliding down!!! Help!?

well they may be made up of incredibly thin material and also hollister doesn't really make the best jeans your just going to be stuck with that because they cut their jeans extremely low and that doesn't help the whole pulling up the jeans thing. and to fix them just try to sew it back together and maybe try to wear a belt with the jeans it may help :)

Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands: Sun Stones?

So, I want to get the Sun Stone from traveling to Meadow Island by boat and how come i traveled to Meadow island for like 3 times already and Kirk didnt give me anything?

Thin body, fat thighs?

Fiancou is only partially correct. You may have adopted your parents big thigh bones but that doesn't mean you cant tone up! Jogging a mile a day is a good start but once you get the hang of it then a mile only seems very short. Ride a bicycle to work/school instead of driving. Go swimming!!! Swimming is one of my favorite work outs. Yes its a work out but it is a very pleasurable workout because its just that fun! Swimming will tone your entire body. Swim around and kick your feet a lot in the water and the friction of the water on your legs will burn some leg calories. GOOD LUCK!

It is truly taking everything in me not to call her every cuss word I know!!!?

So last thursday my mom came and picked up me and my sister from school to help her at home because she was really sick and so were the babies. I didnt mind helping but when she asked me to stay home friday i knew i'd have a lot of work to make up from a 2 day absence but she said she'd do what she could to help me. So low and behold here I am trying to study for my chemistry test (which i already have a C- in chemistry) and i realize that I'm missing a lot of notes that I'm going to need to past this test tomorrow. I went to try and see if my mom would help me figure something out and she completely ignored me....COMPLETELY IGNORED ME!! she just kept doing whatever on her laptop and pretended i wasn't talking to her. Normally i would have gone off but Ive been getting into trouble for that so I've been trying to contain myself but this is the tpye of **** that makes me lose it! I helped her soooo much for not only those 2 days but the whole damn weekend and this is what i get? Just writing all this out is making me feel like fully submerging my computer in water. What do I do?

Should I BUY a first aid kit or make my own?

Get the first aid kit, then go to a dollar store and get what you don't have. They sometimes have the ointments/creams for burns and cuts, and some of the other things that are on your list. They are off brands but they'll work in an emergency.

Rock In Rio Iron Maiden?

When the show is about to start, they open with an intro, it's clical music, and it's full with chorus,and I think it's in latin, then they play The Wickerman, I tought it was O Fortuna, but I'm not to sure about it, any ideas? I need to get that cd it's for a school play. thank you for your time

Can anyone tell me what this is all about?.. Pregnant dog question .?

It is her mucous plug. It comes out just before labor and birth. Most of my girls give birth two days after they loose their mucous plugs, sometimes sooner.

What do you suppose this annoyance just under my left ribcage is?

I have pain under my right rib cage and when I press on it it feels better..the Dr. told me it was acid reflex, so that may be what yours is....I know that the live is under the left rib cage...are you drinking alcohol when the pain starts...if so it could be your liver

Is this touching? i sed it to my wife - is it sweet?

my wife was mad at me for me not paying attention to her and sed tht i neva cared since the beginning and she was pregnant w/ my daughter so i sed "no , baby i always cared about ya - my mama asked about ya, my partners did too , i noe ur daughter will be so amazing like u, and u wish u neva met me , but i jst wish u'd neva forget me, and lemme say please dont worry about tha women i have been wit , no engagement can amount to ur frendship - is it touching?

Did you know that if you dont have medicare D, you have to pay for a Shingles Vaccine? I had Shingles in?

March and got the shot to prevent its return and the cost was $230 (I live in Washington State). Just thought you might want to know. Money well spent as I dont want to catch it again. Your thoughts?

WHO to start this week for week 1 2010. T.O. vs Patriots, or Johnny Knox vs Lions?

coin flip really...but after thinking about it, I would go with Knox only b/c its the dang Lions.....but the Pats D is questionable as well, so like I said coin flip.

I'm getting married August 15th this year and need help finding a beach with nice weather.?

We need the beach to be fairly close so our friends and family members won't have to travel too far. I live about an hour away from San Francisco, and was almost convinced that we would have it on baker beach, right near the golden gate bridge (since the bridge is where he proposed to me), but then we talked to a local and she said there is never good weather at that beach. I'm so stressed about this and have changed the venue about 4-5 times! I'm ready to go to the courthouse. If you know of a beach that has nice weather in August (no clouds, wind, or rain) PLEASE help me!!! I live in the central valley of California just to give a better thought on location. Southern California beaches are too far from where I live. I would also like the beach to be in a city where there is nightlife because we aren't having a reception. We just plan to go out to dinner with our guests and then head to some nightclubs.

What benefits is he entitled to?

Why would he need benefits if he lives with your parents. Benefits are for people who couldn't survive without them. He clearly can. Tell him to get a job and stop trying to sponge off the country.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Hide motion detection?

i have a Dell with integrated cam.. and i set up the motion detection to run without the camlight and sound. but i cant figure out if theres a way to hide it in taskbar. Isnt the point of it to be secretly recording? is there a way to hide while still recording?

Is this a sign or pregnancy? do you think im pregnant..?

You keep asking this, its now time to test.. it will come up positive if you are. Taking guesses with symptoms will get you nowhere

Exploding Sun Dream? (Does this signify the end of the world for me?)?

It is from supernova explosions in the past that we have heavy elements and much of the material we rely on for our daily living and the sustaining of our world and its life. But a supernova in a dream could signify very many different things. It could mean upheaval or a new beginning. A revelation or a ual climax. Examine this dream yourself and with self-examination you may figure out the symbolism as it applies to your own situation.

Can i remove my own birthmark help me please...?

I went to a laser specialist today with hopes of getting my cafe birthmark removed..I been wanting this since I was 10 and my mom finally said yes (I'm 17) its on my upper thigh and I'm really self conscience in the summer so I wanted to get it removed..and then the DR. Tells me I can't because it'll leave a black scar or a bumpy scar..I didn't really question him bcs I wanted to cry so I just said thanks and left...I can't..I really can't..live with this.... I can't!!! .. I'm thinking of just cutting it out myself..I tried it before wen I was little and I got scared so I stopped but it cut half of it and it worked ..I wanna know if I could get a razr and cut the first layer of the skin and see what happend I rather have a scar dan my birthmark! Ps. My birthmark is small like quarter sized...help me plsssss

Why is the #09 Phoenix Racing car running full funded races?

I know that Miccosukee sponsored the car for 32 races in 2009, and half of those were SnP. Is that the reason that Bobby Labonte keeps running full races, because of that SnP money? Or do you think he is puting some of his own money up?

Immediately after the civil war, southern state legislatures..?

enacted sets of laws to regulate free blacks & ensure white supremacy. what were these laws known as?

What should I do? (Death Question...)?

I think it would be a great idea to send her a simple card and the picture. Mailing it is also a good idea. Although I'm sure she'll be very happy to have them, I'm sure it'll make her cry when she sees it so NOT doing it in person might be a good idea.

Whats this about????????? please help?

It means that there is an error in line 48 of your code in that PHP file. The error is that there is an String there when the compiler wasn't expecting one. Debug your code and fix the problem.

Why would my man do this??

He was always cruel and abusive in the past-we have been together 6 years- i cheated on him before as he treated me so awful.Now i have been the dutiful girlfriend for years.Paying for him, cooking, cleaning wiping his ***! I model, and don't have to put up with his crap, he is constantly flirting with women, or telling me i am fat.when i am UK size 4!! Anyway, now he has me grounded he has started to go out with his workmates.He hasn't been long in new job! This Has happened twice now-two friday nights in a month.His phone will be on and he will not answer it to next day, that is what gets me mad.He has a gay mate who calls him constantly-i use to talk with him.now when i am with my guy he won't answer his mate?? he won't talk to him in front of me!. He is playing up big time, just when he knows i am suffering depression, and when i am being nicest and attentive i can be to him.Why does he do this?? why does he not just leave me? and does he want me to think he is cheating.help

6 month old not meeting all milestones?

We have 6 month old appt on her 6 month anniversary this Friday. I am concerned bc she isn't rolling from her back to her stomach, she isn't bearing any weight at all on her feet when I hold her up. I recently got a bouncer to try and show her she could straighten and bend her legs to move herself up and down. Not working. She is also doesn't use consonants and doesn't appear to copy me often. She will babble and is very smiley and social. Am I concerned over nothing? I hope so. Please share. Thanks.

For a planted aquarium?

i want to set up a 10 gallon planted tank because i mastered fresh salt brackish and brine so i need another tank lol but i was wondering if anyone can tell me why people use a carbon dioxide bubble maker and what that dirt looking stuff some people use to keep the roots in cause it looks like it works and i have a regular aq light do i need a higher voltage

Ramadan: What will the world b like in a Couple of years?

alamualaikum Brothers and Sisters, since there are so many killings, and wars goin on right now, what do you think the world will be like in a couple of years from now....

Okay, ladies tell me what you think..?

I've been talking to thiss girl for about two monhts. We're getting pretty serious about each other, but it's long distance, so we're not " official" yet. Well she's coming to see me this weekend, meet my parents, and then I'm going to meet hers. Were staying with each other two nights. Well, tonight, I was gonna take her to the field where we first felt that spark, and were gonna look at the stars.. well I was wanting to make it official, she's said that she thinks it will just happen, in a moment, like well both know it. Well she is a huge Skillet, ( christian rock band) fan, and I got us tickets for a month from now. She doesnt know. I was gonna say something like " So baby I have these concert tickets, and was thinking that they would make a good one month anniversary present."....So ladies..is that a good idea or bad?

To all Iglesia ni Cristo affiliates: How to baptize new members?

Does it need to submerge ourselves into the water? This is only to official INC members. I'm just curious because I am from an other religion and will convert to INC... Please help me!

Cost to repair 2001 nissan altima knock sensor and misfire on cylinder 4?

i have been trying to search online but can't find info. the mechanic said $900 to fix it. is that about right? the check engine light came on sun and i took it to autozone and the knock and cyl 4 misfire codes came up so i believe the garage. but the autozone printout did have other possible reasons than replacing everything like maybe it's a spark plug or something less expensive. but either way is 900 a decent price? if you know a link where i can check stuff out, lmk

Does Fast SLAM have any disadvantage ?

All systems like this have disadvantages. Mainly the slowness of running such a large program and difficultly of learning the system.

Catering costs?

I have been asked to make homemade meat for a large party. How much do you think I should charge if all materials are provided?

Who misses the Old Nickelodeon from 1986-2006?

I miss Doug, Rugrats (Before All Grown Up), Rocko's Modern Life, Angry Beavers, & so many others. The 90s & early 00s shows rocked and some 80s shows as well.

Help shes drving me insane i tink he might still love her :(?

understand that you only know what he tells you. maybe she is mad, but you dont know that, and thats a common thing for people to say about ex's so approach with caution. bear in mind you cant dictate to her who she calls, texts or speaks to, she can do whatever she wants. if you dont trust him then you may be better off ending things as this relationship is making you paranoid by the sound of things

Dateline: How To Catch A Predator-shouldnt they all be innocent?

Intent is enough. It would be the same thing as attempted murder (maybe not as bad, but still the same idea.)

What to get a couple who had a courthouse marriage?

Gift cards or money. Some people think money is a tacky gift but in this economy I'm sure it would be appreciated.

Is the US government Constitutionally obligated to provided any form of healthcare for the citizens of the US?

You already know it's not. But thanks for posting it out for us who actually believe in the constitution, to read it.

Where is the best place to buy cheap studio lighting especially flash heads.

I am looking to buy a new flash head to use in conjunction with two bowens esprit 500 heads although dont want to pay top whack so was wondering where i could get a fairly decent head ( 250w ) at a good price.

Insaine Physics Questions (near impossible to figure out)?

It is hardly insane, take a look at this: a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_mirror" rel="nofollow"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_mirr…/a

Having your period on the pill and being pregnant?

Or even if you werent on the pill and had your period and then found out you were pregnant what was the period like? was it lighter than usual? did it go for the same amount of days? just wanting to know as i think i might be but i still have my period on the pill yasmin... i usually have it for 5 days but its stopped and started and it started tuesday and stopped this morning and was super light... getting blood test pregnancy results back in the morning...

Is anyone besides me seriously worried about this oil spill. i dont think bp has a clue what to do.?

this "top hat" bullshit isn't going to work. they've never tested anything at this type of depth. so pretty much the solution does not exist. just go straight to 5000 feet. gotta get that money. no back up plan. big oil bigwigs ought to be shot. i predict famine some time in the future. all i know is im finallly going to finish my disaster\survival pack.

Recd a mage on mobile,chosen for prize?

It's a scam - ignore it. You did not win. DO NOT dial that number unless you want to be charged a premium rate. You will never get money - these type of scammers want as many people as possible to call so they make as much money as they can

What happens to marble and limestone in a nuclear explosion?

Just about anything "exposed directly to the full heat of the reaction" would vaporize. If the floor was thick enough (depending on the energy of the explosion of course), some of what was left would melt and deeper (insulated from the intense heat) would remain unaltered. It would, however absorb radioactive particles and be hazardous for a while.

Do i need to tape ceiling corners if i will be installing crown molding?

I have redone the walls and ceiling with new drywall in a room that I will be installing crown molding. Is there any point in taping the corners where the ceiling meets the walls? Obviously the crown moldings will cover the corners but I wasn't sure if the taping provides any needed support?

What Is The Name Of This Film Noir Movie?

It is an old movie, probably a black and white. It's about a woman who falls in love with and marries a man she subsequently suspects is plotting to murder her. It seems as if she is right but in the final scenes, when she thinks he is trying to kill her, he is actually trying to convince her that he loves her. It is NOT the movie Suspicion. It's sort of like Sudden Fear with Joan Crawford and Jack Palance. HELP!

How much money will Uncle Same take out of Michael Jackson's legacy?

I know that there is a 3.5 million $ exemption. But after that you get taxd like at 50%. So will uncle same take half the jaxson frutune?>

Questions regarding firefighter training?

I am currently a firefighter/Paramedic in Norman, Oklahoma. I cannot find a firefighter 2 cl anywhere! Any help is greatly appreciated. And if at all possible, within 30 to 45 mins from Norman. Thanks for any help!

Farting Refrigerator?

My refrigerator violently convulses and farts every hour. It let's out a high squeak and then rumbes and shakes the entire house. I believe that it is soing this on purpose to aggravate the house members. We tried to fix it's gastric problems, but had no luck. Now, it flatulates even more often and at strange times of the night. A couple days ago I was awoken by my walls shaking and a low ripping sound coming from the kitchen. It seems to fart whenever it feels, and at any time. Please help!

Need opinions. Why would he say this?

I'm pretty sure he likes more than just being fwb.. He's not kidding. he does like you. he's jealous that your going to see anouther guy

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Do I need to get a infant car seat? Is it okay to go right to the convertible car seat?

Pool noodles? Are you crazy? They will do absolutely NOTHING to restrain your baby or seat in the event of a collision.

Check Errors For My Essay Pls..It is Due later Today!....?

Your essay seems good, but you should probably indent your paragraphs, so that it doesn't look like a long run on.

Physics guru's i need your help?

A person bounces up and down on a trampoline, while always staying in contact with it. The motion is simple harmonic motion, and it takes 2.87 s to complete one cycle. The height of each bounce above the equilibrium position is 35.7 cm. Determine (a) the amplitude and (b) the angular frequency of the motion. (c) What is the maximum speed attained by the person?

Do you like to ask obscure and unintelligent questions....?

...so that the kiddies and their so-easy-to-push reporting on won't be interested in viewing your question?

Why is it when you see someone who is a 1,000lbs getting cut out of their house….?

Why is it when you see someone who is a 1,000lbs getting cut out of their house and put on a stretcher by 14 paramedics/fireman because they are immobile they always say in an interview, “I don’t eat a lot.” Do they really expect us to believe they got between 500lb – 1,000 lbs by eating only 1,500 calories a day?

When taking off the rotor on a car do you have to take the hub lug nut off?

I have a 2003 Expedition 4wd and i have just taken off the brake pads. Usually I thought that the rotors come right off after that? Now these havent been changed in a long time and there is some rust. So do I just have to beat the rotor off or does the hub lug nut have to come off too?

13 year old sister is having with 26 year old bf?

I am 15 and my lil sis is 13. When I was coming home I heard moans and when i went in i saw my sister in a very advanced position. I feel really stupid because my mom expects me to literally always be there with my sis. She's only 13 I know she knows about but i neva expected her to do it! Is she old enough or should I tell my mom?

How freely to use the word love when you're having an affair with a married woman?

Let me explain my situation. I'm an 18 yo guy getting ready to go into college. I met a 32 yo woman who is unhappily married. She is well off. Harvard educated even! Very beautiful. I met her on the internet and we arranged a meeting within a week and we hit it off right away both in and out of bed. I know that I'm definately brining a bunch of youthful pion into her life, I'm fairly handsome and have a fit body and we seem to share some interests and I'm pretty sharp myself (a- average GPA). I've got a crush on her. She told me that her and her husband rarely have anymore and when they do they never kiss. I could tell that when we made love she was very starved for touch and attention. When we were having pillow talk she told me that if she was my age she'd be all over me. I don't feel like I'm completely head over heels for this lady, but if I did ever feel totally head over heels for this lady should I express that to her? I know that love and lust are seperate things...

Father charged with DV simple ault, he filed false child abuse charges on mom, does he stand any chance?

very difficult may be the judge is going to give the child on temporal parents or visits With supervision

Is there a Penalty for breaking this lease?

If there is no penalty you will simply still owe rent for the remainder of the lease. This does NOT have to be stated in the lease as the lease itself is an agreement to pay rent for 12 months, mentioning it again is redundant.

Does she like me?

There's this lady at the senior center that's always there on bingo nights when I go, she doesn't play, just sits there and stares at me. Sometimes she drools. I think she's kind of shy, I've said "Hi" to her a couple times, I think she wet herself once. Should I ask her to the Alice Cooper concert?

Hello i recived this mail?

Please tell me you are not dumb enough to fall for this. For one thing I bet Yahoo personnel could use better grammar.

How do I stop my cat from spilling water all over the floor?

I have a 6 month old kitten and she loves to stick her paw in the water dish. My dish has a water jug on top and it dispenses water in as needed. But my cat loves to tip it over and splash around in it and I always find water all over the floor. I never catch her when she does it and I don't know how to make her stop. I'm getting really frustrated and help would be appreciated.

Math question- multiple choice what is the length of the segments of the hypotenuse? TEN POINTS!?

1. If the altitude to the hypotenuse of a right triangle is 8, the lengths of the segments of the hypotenuse formed by the altitude may be 1) 8 and 12 2) 2 and 32 3) 3 and 24 4) 6 and 8

Scene ideas for halloween?

Brightly colored skinny jeans (like neon green, electric blue, hot pink, etc.) under your tutu, a neon shirt maybe with a character on it (i.e., hello kitty, invader zim), mismatched shoes (like converse or vans), and large hair accessories (bows are good). Or you could wear the tutu under a short skirt and wear mismatched knee-high socks in bright colors and patterns. Hope this helped.

How do you predict the direction of a Chemical Reaction?

the only way is to read up on it, and there are ways, but u must read up on them, surf the web until u find out. wikipedia is a good source.

If you don't believe in evolution what process brought life in to existence?

God decided to create all sorts of elements, DNA, colors, scents, tastes, textures, gases, and creatures. God's creative process brought about life.

Record with music playback in Mixcraft?

I'm using Mixcraft for recording. It was good, but lately there've been some problems. While I'm playing the playback music (instrumental as .mp3 or .wma) and I want to start record, the music stops and I can't hear anything. If I stop recording, it returns as normal. Can someone help me with that? I'm in need of recording something for a cl project. Thank you.

Missed period while on yasmin?

I've been on yasmin for about a year now. My period used to usually occur on wednesday (3rd day of placebo), it's thursday today and still no period yet. Last period was about a month ago, and I didn't have after it because my boyfriend is working abroad. Is this normal? I don't miss a pill, but i the pill each day at a different time...

Could I be pregnant? Any similar stories?

Ok so ive been on birth control pills for 3.5 year and it does a good job on regulating my period but lately over the past week I been having some symptons that seem like they may be pregnancy but im not sure. I just went to the doctors early last month for a pap so before go back to the doctors this month I just wanted to know if anybody else had the same symptoms. Im usually get gy easly after a meal but I dont really burp often. Since Monday I have been burping everyday even without eating anything all day, I have been having these weird twinges in my stomach and on my side and sometimes it feels like pulling, again even after not eating all day. Then I had a couple of really sharp pains in my and now they are more frequent but less painful and have been having lower back pain on and off all day. It also feels like I have mild mild cramps on and off through the day along with headaches that come and go quickly. I am so confused. I have taken a preg test and it said negative but it still could be to early. I must also mention I do once an awhile miss a pill but douple up the next day. My period isnt for another 12 days..........

What can you use to keep rats and snakes out of a rabbit hutch?

I want to make an out door rabbit hutch but there is a small problem with the rats and snakes around our home. Is there anything i can use to keep them out and away from my rabbits while still keeping the sides open for ventilation?

I need to brainstrom a business plan for a singer to make a living? I need creative ideas?

I enjoy singing arias and art songs of my choosing. Especially the ones that I have learned throughout my childhood. I also enjoy singing art songs because they are plain and simple in various languages. I enjoy singing with a stand just in case I haven't fully memorized my music. I am thinking about making money basking. You know, as a street singer in the streets of New York, but I think that I may need a permit in some areas. Where do I get a permit and do i really need one? What ideas can we brainstorm here. I'd like to make a living out of this to support a family.

What would happen to the US if all blacks were to leave work?

As we know the backbone of industrial America is because of the black man, who were also did the bulk of the fighting against Japan in WW2. Why is it then that as soon as anything gets hard they always blame the BLACK and the immigrants who do all the work and always save the white population, with their innovation, hard work and model citizenship. I believe Obama now brings it to America how clear it is that black people are always persecuted just so that they can pay us less and you can always get more twiglets for your dollar.

The meaning of this?

Okay... here's my take. I think many people have self-destructing behaviors. People who are self-abusive tend to consciously, or sub-consiously sabatoge sources of stability and happiness in their life. I would say that people like this tend to live the highs and lows of their life very differently. So if you meet a woman coming off a low point, they will invite the happiness and stability into their life, but once they begin to reach a high they will do something to ruin it. For the innocent person envolved in their life they would probably wonder what they did wrong, or think it's their fault. Thus, don't blame yourself, you were apparently a stabalizing factor in her life.....

Guy Problems!!! 10 points for best answer!!! Need Advice ASAP!!! ANSWER MINE I'LL ANSWER YOURS!!!! :D?

You can only go off of what he says. He said that he only wants to be friends. For now, take that for what it is worth. Later he may want to be more than friends but don't do anything to pressure him. Just take things slow and enjoy the friendship

Period one week after taking just two birth control pills?

Hi, my wife decided to go off the birth control pill (Yasmin after taking the the first two pills of her new month. We had once the day right after and i was wearing a condom, but now, five days later she is having a very light period more than just spotting, but with extremely light cramps. We're pretty certain there's no way she could be pregnant because it was her safe week, she had the pill in her system and I was wearing a condom, but we're just not sure. Is it possible she is having a withdrawal period from just two pills?

Chewing tobacco vs. beef jerky "chew"?

Is beef jerky chew safer than chewing tobacco? If you haven't seen the beef jerky stuff, it's basically beef jerky ground up into little pieces and put in a can. It contains no nicotine. Would chewing that stuff be safer than chewing tobacco?

Here are the facts what's your opinion? Pregnant or no? Intuition?

It's too early to tell. Wait until your period is suppose to come then take a test. Sometimes you can have different symptoms before your period. Good luck!! (:

Did my Cafe-ko die from swim bladder infection? Can I put a another Betta in his old tank?

well i don't think your fish died from a bladder infection. my beta used to be the same way but i just changed his food. and for the swimming oddly, he could have hurt himself. my fish's tail is rather odd because someone put their hand in my tank and touched my fish but he swims fine now. it should be okay to put another fish in the tank.

So there's this guy....!?

If you like him yes of course, if you don't you shouldn't youll have more fun with your friends rather than him.

Do you think he is doing ok???

hey this is a ? for those people in the us who love nascars...i'm an aussie who loves to follow marcus ambrose in the busch series..who thinks that in a couple more seasons he will be one of the front runners???just like to know what all you guys think of our aussie fella.

Weighhht!!!!! l0 easy points!?

uh i know that it isnt NOT impossible to lose 5 pounds in one day my cousin did it and i live with her! so she doesnt throw up and crap like that but anyways if i wear sauna and sweatpants and a sweatshirt on the tredmill and eat salad and drink water for 16 days how much weight will i lose if im 198 pounds. and go on the temill for 2 hours.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Has anyone seen the french film "My Mother's Castle"?

This charming motion picture relives the beautiful childhood memories of noted film director and writer Marcel Pagnol. While attending school in Marseilles, Marcel Julien Ciamaca daydreams about the nearby hills where he and his family spend vacations at a cottage. It is not enough to sojourn there over Christmas, Easter, and summer holidays; Marcel wants to be there all the time, to roam the fields, climb the rock faces, and enjoy other simple pleasures with his mother, father, and siblings. And then something marvelous happens. His mother Augustine (Nathalie Roussel) persuades his father Joseph (Philippe Caubere), a schoolteacher, to allow the family to spend each weekend at the cottage. Because they have no car, they must ride public transport part of the way, then walk the remaining five miles. However, a former pupil of Joseph's shows them a shortcut that crosses private estates and reduces the distance to only one mile. So the family enjoys weekend after wonderful weekend in the hills. Marcel plays with a country boy, picks thyme for the family's alfresco dinners, and meets a girl whom he rescues from spiders. Though she is an imperious little l, Marcel is quite taken with her and even performs feats of derring-do to impress her. These carefree weekend outings continue until one day a heartless watchman charges the Pagnols with tresping on an estate on their way to the cottage. Woe is Joseph. He believes his very proper school will fire him. But when the school officials call him in, they promote him! They know nothing of his tresping, for Joseph's former pupil has tricked the watchman into dropping the charge. Then more good news comes; Marcel has won an academic prize. The film has a bittersweet ending in which Marcel, as an adult, reviews what has happened to the family members since those wonderful days when life was good and all was right with the world.

How can I get watermelons to grow in a pot on my patio?

I can easily get watermelons to grow in my back yard but when planted in a flower pot, they only grow about 2 inches or even die before they reach that height. No melons are produced.

What could grey vomit in an infant be? dud omeprazole?

How long has he been on solids? It is not recomended till 6 months for a good reason...and especially not fruit puree...baby rice wouldnt be so bad...but either way I would go to the hospital and take the medicine too. It could be an allergic reaction.

How long is it before the scorpio shows you their sensual side and what does that usually look like? Im a sag?

We've been exclusively together!! I'm his woman he's my Man and its official, for like 3 months but have been seeing each other since september early october!!!!! and he's not very affectionate physically, like kissing and just small touches are non and void......I know he can be affectionate, so why hasn't he showed me that side of him!! hes open in every other way and we've talked future!!!!

What is the name of this toy?

My 7 year old daughter wants one of those dolls heads that you can put make-up on and change the colour of its hair. We've had a look in the Argos catalogue but none of the ones in it say that you can change the colour of its hair. Please help, she's asked for this off Santa

Atheists just want to ask you ?

when times are tough like your facing severe hardship or adversity how can you put everything into perspective if you have no faith in God? does it make it more difficult to cope with lifes trials?? just wondering...

Biuals: Ever had this sort of fantasy?

Well I just dated a very feminine cross dressing male even though I have never been attracted to a man in my entire life. So I would say it is not that unusual.

Atheists or Christians, what do you think of this?

The article doesn't say anything like that now, but I notice that it's been revised several times over the last few days. What's up there right now points out all the reasons it's considered to be a medieval fake.

How should I choose a college major?

I am a sopre in college, I'm having difficulty choosing a major. At first I chose Finance, then Computer Information Systems, then English (I wanted to write for the New Yorker), and now I'm going back to accounting ... I just want to be happy with a career I'll have for the rest of my life...

Why can't my man compromise??! Why wont he marry me?!!!!!?

He is being a dink, and just plain idiotic. There has to be some reason why he wants kids and not marriage, and I fully agree with you. Stick to your guns.


Most pads will fill up with water if they get wet, but there are brands that don't that are perfect for light days. On my light days I use Kotex Light Days, they are in a yellow and white box with flowers and are perfect! They are comfy, very thin, won't suck up water, and are cheap! This would be my choice for you.

Low calorie / low fat hot spinach artichoke dip recipe?

the recipe for the dip calls for mayo, you can use low fat, but I would not use fat free, same for any other sour cream type product. increasing the amount of spinach and artichokes can cut the calories too, Serve it with whole wheat french bread, tortilla chips and crackers and fresh veggies and you can choose the bread and veggies while he has tortilla chips or crackers, he won't even notice. I would make it with something simple, grilled meat like a steak or burgers. guys are pretty easy to please and just making dinner for him shows that you are putting forth an extra effort to make him happy!

Crossing the line with guy friend- now what?

One of my guy friends and I over the last 3 months have gotten very close. He helped me through a bad long term break up. A few weeks ago we had a heavy make out session. 3 days later I had a small party and he told me that he did not have “those” types of feelings for me. He started to pull back from hanging out and I noticed it but continued to act normal. This Sunday we spend the day together and he wound up crashing in my bed and we cuddled all night. I find myself starting to have feelings for him. Am I kidding myself? Everyone comments on our amazing chemistry. He has not dated a girl for longer than a month or 2 since he broke up with his LTR 2 years ago. And I don't do random hook ups of Friends with benefits. If he said he does not have feelings for me, I should believe it.. no matter what I am telling myself, right? Or should I say something to him? Or just go for it. I don’t want to be FWB though, but isn’t that how lots of things start?

My Dream? My life? My parents?

if you want to become famous and sign with disney, then stay true to your beliefs NO MATTER WHAT. I realize miley tried to do that in the beginning (and i still love her work even after what she's been through) and don't let the big stars influence you to do anything you wouldnt do if you were just another ordinary kid. good luck!! XD

3 month old with constant stuffy nose & phlegm?

My baby has been congested and had phlegm for over a month already. i advised the dr about her phlegm and said its fine as long as she doesnt have a cold. left msg with dr to tell me how to get rid of it but hasnt returned my call. i can hear/feel the phlegm when holding/burping my baby. there have been a few times where it seems like shes going to cough it out but doesnt. what can i do? please help. shes also thrown up because of it too

What is the song played at the beginning of Driving Force?

On A&E, the show Driving Force, the beginning where they show the family names, what is that song called? It is driving me crazy!!!! I hear it on the commercial on the Season 3 of Laguna Beach. Please help me!!!!!!!

HELP! Best Camera between $100 - $200? Thanks in advance!?

The Canon SD-1100 would be a fine choice. Pretty quick next shot delay, very good image quality, 8 megapixels, 3X optical zoom. and has image stabilizer for shaky hands. 17th St Photo has it for $170-+shipping according to Website dpreview.com

I put an uncrustable out to thaw at 9 last night (15 hours ago) is it still safe to eat?

They say to eat within 8-10 hours of defrosting for best flavor... and that they can be refrigerated for 24 .... I put mine out on the counter last night at 9 and now I want to eat it.. .is it all good?

How much would you get paid if your a actor like will smith in fresh prince (per episode, per season)?

It completely depends on a lot of different things. Sorry, I know that isn't very specific but as specific as I can make it. Good luck on becoming an actor though!

Friday, November 11, 2011

How can I get used to routine life again and not to upset my man?

Gratitude. Look around you and be thankful for what you have. That would change your attitude. Think about this, some rich people cannot buy happiness.

What to do about racist family member.?

This teacher should learn the proper social behavior of Australia if she wants to live and work there. Let her know that "abo" is not an acceptable word. The comparison to the hideous Americanism "ni@@er" is a good one.

Is she ditched me coz of religion or anything else?

i am a hindu and my girlfriend is muslim. Sge is from srinagar and i m frm mp, first of al i will tel u hw we met and hw our relation grwn up. Actualy i m coming frm shimla via train wid my frnds nd she is coming mp with her uncle and anty for sme religious matter. may b coz of hfr religious festival. as we met in train and thraftr i wnt 2 talk 2 her bt i was afraid and i didnt talk so mch frm hr bt i was talking wid her uncle nd anty. as we reached mp i wnt 2 talk 2 her as she was looking lyk an angel bt again i was afraid: bt as hr uncle told me tht whr they al r going i noted abt tht nd on d nxt day i wnt thr whr they was stayd nd i again finaly meet her nd aftr tht i proposed hddr. bt she refuses my proposal as we jst met in d tppain nd jst aftr tht m proposing her and may b coz of religion. bt she take my phn no. aftr tht we cntnusly talk whole year as a frnd bt i always love hr. at d end of ths year i went 2 met her in srnagr and she say yes to me. aftr tht she had dne al 4 me bt buys a mbl phn 4 hrslf widout informimg hr parnts jst to talk to me she ha done al d thngs 4 me and me to so mch 4 hr. evrythmg gng pepqddctly bt nw hr parnt kom 2 knw abt us nd take hep mbl nd sim frm her. nd nw more than 40 days ago she c ouldnt cal me y she is nt calng me is she ditchd me coz of her papnts or watelse. i m jst dyng 2 talk 2 her my lyf is gng lyk a hel wat i do plz hdlp me. tel me d truth ggs she ditche me or it is smthng else

In the government which of the legislative, judicial, and executive branch are allowed these powers?

Which state of the branches can A. Aprove treaties, B. Make treaties, and C. P laws? just match the government branch to the government. tyvm, govt. studying is very confusing sometimes to me.

How do you cook army rations and for how long ?

There is no need to cook the contents of an MRE (Meals Ready to Eat). Often you don't have time to even heat them. That is a luxury only REMF's can enjoy.

Are there any Oprah worshippers here?

"The Church of O"..."The Gospel According to Oprah" Am i the only Spritual woman left in America that still thinks Oprah is annoying?

Do you put parsley and orgeno on chicken?

I am a great cook!! I dont believe in bragging but everything ive made....(most things) have come out delish! Anyway I know this is going to sound petty but yesterday i was making a chicken and i had no montreal seasoning i was making a roasted chicken...anyway so i was on the phone w/ my friend who thinks she knows how to cook and bake and let me tell you she only got into it like a month after i started telling her how much i love cooking and baking and she copies everything i do which believe me thats another story drives me crazy. anyway i was like darn i dont have any seasoning and shes like oh u have to use parsley and orgeno. I was like WHAT? ive never heard of using that for chicken i know i use parsley chopped up for meat but not a roasted chicken so im wondering do u think she was just pretending to know what she was talking about or have you heard of using that? I told u this was going to be petty but believe me if someone was copying you and then acting like they were the one who came up w/ the hobby you'd be annoyed too.

What do you think about the Isuzu Rodeo?

Horrible in four wheel drive, automatic is smooth shifting, rides soft, crappy seats (no support), and crappy brakes. Get a Jeep Cherokee if you need to use four-wheel drive, or a Landcruiser

Anyone know the title to this book?

need help putting a title and author (or just title) to a book i read when i was a kid. i really want to find this book for my son. it's a children's book, like a haunted house pop up and lift the flap book. i don't remember the author or title. i'm hoping someone recognizes the story and can tell me the title. it's about a boy who goes to his spooky neighbors house to borrow a cup of sugar. he goes in the house and every page is a different room in the house. one room has a bad that springs out of a chest when you open it. one has a creature in a cage on the floor. one has a kitchen with pots you can turn the dial on the put different gross ingred. in. at the end of the book you open a door and the monster that lives there is behind it saying"your mom said you wanted to borrow a cup of sugar." can anyone help me? i'm desperate to find this book! thanks!

What's wrong with my transmission?

I have a 93 jeep grand cherokee laredo straight. 6 automatic and having a problem with the transmission. When I start it up and drive it, it works for a couple of minutes. It seems once I get it warmed up or something all of a sudden the gears shift and it weirds out trying to decide which gear to stay in. Then I can only drive in 2nd or drive It doesn't shift into overdrive after it warms up. AND I have to manually put it into 2nd. It's becoming quite a nuisance I fear I might have to replace another idler pulley from the belt spinning faster than it needs to and I have to constantly switch it in and out of second and drive.. My question is, what's the problem and what can I do to fix it?

How can I ignore racial prejudice at work?

I am Caucasian, and work with both Caucasians and African Americans, and respect and like all equally. However some of the whites are openly prejudiced against the blacks, and this bothers me. I don't know how to respond to the "N" word comments. So far I have told these men (they are ALL men who are doing this) that I have black friends who are much nicer than some of my white friends (of course, they didn't take it personally like I meant it). In this day and age, it's hard to believe people still have such backwards ideas. God created us all equally and loves us all equally, even those prejudiced against others for no reason. What are your thoughts? Should I stop trying to be friends with the prejudiced folks? I will not stop being friends with the blacks; they are very nice and I admire and respect them all. They did nothing to deserve the attitude of the cavemen.

For a science fair project?

for school i need to do science fair. so my experiment will be does Mozart affect the speed and accuracy of answers so what ill do is i will get a partner and we will do a simple test with 100 easy multiplecation problems . one with Mozart music and one with it so ill do the same test with different questions on it. will this work is this a good idea

Help with health project!!! Please need help ASAP!?

I am doing a project in health that requires prescription drug abuse. I need to make a fun activity for high schoolers that will engage them in the activity and incorporate anything about prescription drug abuse. I need help with any ideas - I cant use a Jeopardy game or something like that. I need something creative PLEASE!

Why is called the double FISHERMAN'S knot?

I was wondering where the NAME came from? If you do know can you please also tell me where you got your reference from? This is for my Senior Project, and I was hoping if anyone can help me out. So if you know please share? :) but if you don't thats ok. thank you.

How would you feel if you were a saints, and cubs fan?

I've been a huge fan of both teams since I was young, I catch myself wearing my cubs cap around town, and since I live in louisiana I feel like im mocking the Saints, or people might think im ociated with being a bears fan, which im not. Chicago loves to deal me misery in NFC/NL championship games!!

A question about taxes.?

If my husband and I both work. would we get more money back at the end of the year. He usually claimed me when I was not working. But now that I'm working can he still claim me? If he does that would we get more money back once tax agents enter in how much I earned. The reason I ask because someone told me that If I work my husband can't claim me on his taxes. We usually file jointly. How would this work? And if he can claim me would the tax agents add my earnings also?

2002 BMW 325ci or 2010 Scion Tc?

what would be the better buy for a teen? I worked bought a 97 bmw and am trading it in to get either of the two? Which one is better?

What is the best magnification to view galaxies?

I'm pretty new to astronomy, and was wondering what the best magnification is to view most galaxies. My telescope has a focal length of 1250mm and I am using a 26mm eyepeice, which gives a magnification of 48x. Is this good for galaxies with average magnitude? Thanks for your advice.

Building a relationship with my niece and nephews through the mail.?

Maybe send them a picture of something that you saw that reminded for of them, or a drawing you made? Answer mine, please?

Advice on how to fix this relationship or guys perspective!!! Please?

Me and my boyfriend have been together for about two years now. Lately I have been feeling like hes not as affectionate around me and I tell him that or every little thing that bugs me not even in a rudely manner. He tells me that i complain too much and tells me that im selfish. Currently at this moment we are giving each other space and im really hurt now im really blaming myself and I believe that i am acting very selfish towards my boyfriend but i dont know if thats me blaming myself because i want us to be togethere and i wanna fix this and im putting the whole blame on myself. He blames stopping smoking weed for his on the edge behavior. Sometimes I dont feel very important to him and i dont think he understands because hes to busy doing this or that and I feel like he only thinks about himself am I wrong?. I dont know if i ask too much but im a girl who likes affection and sweet words that me feel loved in the relationship and i feel like hes to busy to give me it. We maybe have been seeing each other about 2-3 times a week and i dont feel like thats enough is that me being selfish? I know we are busy with school and work but what would you do in this situation? Another thing is not too long ago I noticed he was searching for a lot of which I know all guys watch but he denied it and starting hiding all his history?????? We decided to give eachother space which may be very good for both of us. I belive that space is what is needed but while the conversation of space was brought up i told him that if i wasnt what made him happy in the relationship that he deserves and better girl and im sure he would be able to find someone but he told me that he was hurt and scared of loosing me?? Any suggestions to help make this relationship better?? What should I do

Sunburn & relaxation?

i have a sunburn i need a remedy for it. My friends and i hav been swimming all 2dy and ystrdy. My friend took a bath in vinegar, but I don't know if that works. Anything else to like soak in also. i thought that milk worked.IDK. also, how much 2 put in the bath? and what are some other like aroma therapy or something like that 2 help you relax and calm your nerves. Please nobody say to use aloe. I HATE it. It makes my skin all sticky.

Has anyone ever had a boyfriend like this?

i think my boyfriend might have a jewelry ... i found a bunch of my bracelets underneath his mattress when i was searching for something i lost in his bedroom. has anyone ever heard of thiss??!

Taxation without representation.?

You vote for member of the House of Representatives and the Senate. They are supposed to represent you. Unfortunately, smokers are a minority that are encouraged to be discrimated against. Once the smokers are gone they'll have to find another group of people to tax into the ground.

Do you think Canada is a good place to be if the world gets a lot warmer? Why?

Hi we are learning about global warming and we learned that it can cause many major events such as melting glaciers, rising of sea levels, flooding of coastal cities, drought in some regions of the world, and an increase of extreme weather conditions (hurricanes and tornados). Please help me. I have done so much research on global warming today and can not find anything about this question. I would really appreciate this!

Is Prego Traditional 100% Natural spaghetti sauce gluten free?

I don't see anything suspicious on the ingredients other than "natural flavor." Someone told me that natural flavor is usually just broth or spices is that true or could it have gluten in it?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mormons: is it true you have secret handshakes, secret hand signs, secret names, think Satan is Jesus' brother?

believe God was once a man and we can become like God someday with our own planets, that God lives near some star called Kolob (spell that backwards and what does it say - was that an inside joke), wear underwear with Masonic-like symbols on them, that we have a spiritual Heavenly Mother as well, that black once were denied the priesthood because God cursed them with dark skin but that he changed his mind in the 70s?

My partner and I are looking for different things to do in socializing?

My partner and I are always looking for something different to do we dine out, dancing, entertain,BBQ's, love having our grand children over, from time to time our adult children bring friends over which we love, we have quite nights, go to bingo.Genuine replies thankyou

My stepsons drive me crazy. Do yours?

Also, I have a hard time wanting to be in their presence since the oldest one told his coworker that he doesn't have a stepmom. His coworker said she knew his stepmom to which he replied that he didn't have one. He's 20 years old and I want to smack the spit out of him. I have no kids and my husband has two spoiled boys. Do most step parents resent their stepchildren?

I just got off implanon and got pregnant 2 months later. Will this effect my baby?

Has anyone been on implanon and got pregnant so soon? I am very concerned about it. Also, does being on a birth control like this effect your cycles? I only had 2 periods before I got pregnant so I have no idea what my cycles are like. It is hard to pinpoint when I conceived. I am very worried I got off this birth control and got pregnant so soon!

Modern weapons and equipment?

These are all US military issues except for the first one; Try do a search on the following they might not be the latest but definitely still part of today's warfare: M9, M203, M-998, Humvee cooling kit, Interceptor Multi-Threat Body Armor System, M9 Detector Paper, MOPP.

What is a cheap RWD sedan?

Hey, im 17 years old and live in New Zealand. Im looking to buy my second car and am looking for a rear wheel drive sedan. I was looking at a skyline r32 or a A31 cefiro, I would prefer a manual car but as automatics are cheaper I wouldn't mind. Im on quite a budget. What are some other models that I could possibly buy?

Go after a girl with a BF?

I had a big crush on this girl who gave me mixed signals. She has a BF in a diff city (true), but flirted with me in the beginning with this innocent way to talking. I helped her with career advice & she asked me to dinner/drinks. At dinner, she flirted/suggested that I should even go after girls who have BFs. But whenever I reciprocated with the flirting, she backed off, but we basically drank all night in her apartment. Then, she gets me a postcard when she was on vacation. I asked her to dinner, but she ignored my email, only to ask me to dinner 2 weeks later. I thought she was a playing me, so I refused. That week, at a party, she was visibly jealous when I was dancing with other girls. After 5 weeks of silent treatment, I gave in and said hi & at a party she asked me to dance. We got real sensual on the dance flr. She said "I'd like to get to know you", but again gave mixed signals the next day by saying "I'm a ball of ual tension". I find her very attractive. What would u do?

Would I be a good owner of TNA?

actually not be rude that sounds good but TNA doesn't need too much improvement. How about we just work on WWE to make it better.

Should i buy splinter cell double agent since i only have the orignal xbox abd i hear its better on the 360?

if you're thinking of buying an Xbox 360 you should out this site first. they give you an xbox 360 for FREE! all you need to do is complete a few quick tasks for them.

Why isn't Djokovic penalised for his excessive pre-serve ball bounce?

Watching him drives me nuts - and I used to think Henman was bad. I thought there was a time-limit with serving? If so, how-come he's never pulled up on this?

What do my constant dreams of the ocean mean?

water is usually ociated with feminine, sometimes with a mother. oceans can also mean like a separation, which might mean something to you since you constantly have to cross it.

Does anyone know how to get really cheap international flights?!?

I really want to fly from somewhere near New York to Cairo, Egypt. It's like, number 3 or something on my bucket list. i'm working this summer and want to put away money for airfares and whatnot, but i don't think a little summer job at an ice cream shop is going to give me a wonderful trip to Egypt. So does anyone know any tips or anything that can get me some deals on flights like contests...something? Please help and be as specific as possible, it's really important to me. :-)

Do you have a problem with men who don't want kids?

One thing that amazes me with some childless people is they like to brag about the freedoms they have but then they mention haiving a dog. I don't wish to be offensive but in my opinion, dogs tie people down way more than children do. Children grow up and become independent while a dog remains a toddler all of its life. I have two teenagers and they certainly don't tie me down. They can take care of all of their personal needs. They don't have to be fed, walked, or bathed and you don't have the restrictions about bringing them into public places or finding a place to stay that will allow them.

Mozart and Beethoven......?

What are some characteristics Mozart and Beethoven shared? What were some alike things they did, or anything to compare the two?

Anyone seen the episode of Malcolm in the middle where malcolm and some other people have there own prom?

The one about the morp if so do you know the names of the songs played at the morp ......theres this one song which ive heard b4 but cant remember the name of it HELP

Why does my 4R75E transmission go into neutral in 3RD gear.?

When trans shifts from 2-3 it neutralizes in 3rd. When I cancel the overdrive it will shift into 3RD gear normally. It is in a 2005 Ford F-150 with a 5.4 engine.

Should I call a suicide hotline?

I'm not literally on the verge of killing myself, like i don't have a gun to my head. but im super depressed and have contemplated it and have cut myself before....should i just call or is it dumb cuz its not like im gunna commit suicide right now ? i just feel super depressed and hopeless, like i may seriously think about it soon...?

I think i have fallen in love with someone who i am trying to hook up my best friend with. help!?

ok, i know that probably a lot of people are having this problem and its an annoying one to try to help with. but i really like him and i am kind of playing spy i guess you could call it and subtly trying to get him to answer questions from a list that my friend and i made up when i spent the night. and in trying to find out more about him and more that they have in common, well......i kind of fell in love with him even though he really frustrates me sometimes because of his stubborness. and i dont know what to do. there is NO WAY that i am going to try to "steal him from my friend" i guess you could say, even though she doesnt technically have him yet....but i really like him and i have second hour with him and i have no clue what to do about it. and she trusts me and i woudnt do anything even if she didnt, but...i dont know. she really likes him and i really like him and i dont know. theres not really much help i can get with this huh? is it possible to fall out of love....??

What could/would the difference in sentencing be charged as adults instead of juveniles?

the difference between a short stay in juvie, and several years in prison. it's a Cl A felony. that's life in some states.

What happens if a man dies, goes to heaven and then discovers he's ?

Can he be thrown out? Also what about a ual who accepts the Christian way, lives a devout celibate life, dies, goes to heaven but finds he can no longer control his urges after he gets there.

Are there drivers in BART system in san francisco bay area or is it an automatic system ??

Yes there are people driving the trains. If you go to the first car you will see someone up there actually controlling everything from the speed to the doors opening and closing. Every now and then you will actually hear one of them over the speakers making a comment about a delay or problem. I even had a driver one morning coming from Concord point out different spots that people who live here take for granted. For instance when you exit the tunnel, on a clear day you can actually see all four bridges that connect the bay. I had never noticed that until the driver mentioned it.

Help with Virtual Villagers 2 Please?!?

I'm trying to get a Master to get the fish out of the pond to clean up the algae, but they just keep enjoying the pond. Help!

Is Obama Trying to Destroy Our Country?

Yes he is trying to break us down to the point everyone is equal except the government. I highly recommend you read the new Mark Lavin book and it will explain a good deal of it.

Desperate!!! Why am I breaking out?

It might be the energy pills. sometimes these energy mixes or pills have certain things on them that might have reverse affects and cause other things. keep drinking the green tea. its good for you. and it cleans out ur system which will benefit you when it comes to acne.

Question for everyone who's got a y bubble too!?

Well idk...i guess it depends on what you're sitting on. I prefer to lay down as much as i can lol...i don't really have any " problems" perse. now if i'm sitting on a milk crate, that usuall hurts, unless i'm wearing bottoms such as leggings or shorts. pluys it depends on how long youre sitting there.

How feasible is the claim that the US has helped escalate the Georgia conflict to help McCain in the election?

I think it's a bunch of BS and Putin is merely trying to fuel the fire. He knows that we're having a lot of fighting between the two parties and is lowly enough to add to it.

I dont think British pensioners are treated with respect, please read below and answer my question.?

I agree. I think I can't sign the petition because I'm not British but yes I agree. The previous generations are denied a decent old day while when the EU comes or banks get in trouble the money to bail them out seems endless

If you shouldn't reheat pork and I make some pork meat now and reheat them tonight is it safe please?

Does it just apply to joints of pork or is it all pork products, because I'm sure pork on pizza is reheated? I'm confused.

Is a motorcycle a practical commuting option in upstate NY?

Also, are there any benefits to lanesplitting at a red light (Filtering forward to get to the front of the pack)?

Did we reach end of lifecycle for software industry?

With lot of innovation coming in computing like natural language processing and DNA computing did we reach a stage where computers can interpret human language and start programming for us?

Really stuck! Can you give advice for this logo design?

I'm pretty stuck. I need to design a logo with the words Building for Life. The word Life needs to be predominent and larger than Building for. We are a housing company and there's a simple line drawing of a roof with chimney over the words. The colors are red and yellow and the font I need to use is quite thin. I am having a hard time getting the yellow to stand out on the white background and since the letters are so thin, it looks silly with a shadow. Any advice would be most appreciated. I seem to have a terrible case of designer's block!

Please help me choosing a heater?!?

GO tO the consumer reports website or to the local library and find the reviews on this product then buy

Is anyone else sick of the Next Gen Gaming Wars?

I am truely sick of hearing which system is the best. I hear it from friends, news, magazines, and even the less listen too radio. Like you said each system has good and bad points and you have to decide which is the best for you and your gaming style. Even if the graphis isnt that great onthe Wii Im still looking at getting it over the other two just for the interactive portions. Time to get off the couch and join in the fun.

Where Can one read the J.D. salinger's short stories containing holden caulfield?

Apparently, He used Caulfield in works other than the catcher in the rye, and i would like to read them...

What exactly is propoxy-n/apap?

Way to much tylenol. You could have messed up your liver. Also never a good idea to next a pill if you do not know what it is or what it will do.

Side Jobs With a Truck?

I'm 16 and I am looking into trucks to buy. I mostly want a truck so i can plow for my brother who has plowing services. I also would like to have it some what Off Road( ie. a lift kit and so forth). I really like older suburbans but i was also looking to do junk removal and i need the bed of a truck. Does anyone know any other side jobs i could do with a suburban that is possibly lifted and if not with a truck. thanks

Awesome Neopets Cheat found !?


YIKES!!! I don't think I want to take morphine ever again!?

I recently had surgery, and was prescribed morphine for pain. Well, like a trooper, I tried to tough it out as best I could (addiction run rampant in my family), well, this morning, I couldn't take it anymore, so I decided, well, I'll just cut one up int 1/4's. I took one of 1/4's and for about the first 15 min. I felt nothing, so I thought well, whatever, I'm not taking anymore than that. 30 min. later, I started feeling a strange burning sensation up in my rib cage (the soft part where they do the chest compressions), and then this strange spasming in the same spot started. Now, I've called my doctor, and I'm just waiting for him to call back, but while I wait, I wanted to know if anyone else has gone through this and what he** is it??? I tried to vomit the pill back up, with no luck, but it seems like the only way to make the pain go away, is the gagging reflex when my stomach sucks in, but that only last about 5 minutes before the pain comes back. I can breathe fine, as long as I don't take deep breaths, but this pain is moving into my shoulders (like a gall bladder attack but in both shoulders). Is this an allergic reaction? I have learned my lesson and I'm going to take the pills back to the pharmacist. How do I make the pain go away? I would cry but that would probably make the pain worse.

Why are there liars, rotten liars and then Obama?

And to top it all off Obama is now taking credit for get this , reducing spending and the deficit and a lot of morons are falling for it ! Ohhhh that Obama hes the greatest bestest ever ! ----------makes me sick

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What was the title of the film used for briefing Air Cadets before an AEF?

I remember when I was a teenager being shown a training film before I went flying at 10 AEF. In the early days it was in black and white and it featured an air cadet sitting in a wooden mock up of a pit, "Moving the stick to the left sir!" and later I remember being shown one in colour, narrated by a very famous voice, whos owner escapes me, but If you know that as well I would be glad to hear. I suppose the earlier version was made in the forties, and the later one in the seventies.

I've narrowed my choices down to two: the optio pentax S50 and the casio EX-Z725?

a href="http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_e/102-0738498-6834522?initialSearch=1&url=search-alias%3Delectronics&field-keywords=canon+digital+camera" rel="nofollow"http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_e/102-…/a

How come bouncer's let women walk straight into clubs but Men have to show their I.D before they can go in?

Because the mentality of the club owners is that if they have allot of hot looking Chic's in the club it will attract more men, who will spend more money buying drinks for all the women they are trying to hit on.

Legitimate Work at Home Opportunities?

I don't have a car, so I'm looking for something I can do from home. I've looked into Pre-paid Legal. I've looked into Melaleuca -- they're not for me (Although I'm sure Melaleuca makes good products). Does anyone know of something that is actually legitimate? If you have a legitimate opportunity (where I don't have to pester my friends), tell me where or include a link. Thank you.

Obama based his book title the audacity of hope on a rev wright sermon. in the book he says that...?

he sat through the sermon entitled the audacity of hope in which wright says that famine and war, strife and deprivation because of white folks greed runs a world in need that is the world. My question is he says this, he listened to this, so why is he now saying he never heard anything like this before?

How does Faux News still have the nerve to call themselves fair and balanced?

Are they balanced in the sense that they hire everybody from one party to work and spout Conservative nonsense through American airwaves?

White girls, how do you feel about the pop and lip enhancements by victoria secret ?

it's obvious now that the flat s and thin lips are a thing of a past, and been this way for years now. So,now people everywhere,magazines,movies, and even modeling companies are aware now, that the flat s and thin lips are so unattractive and natural black girl features(nice lips,,s) are now in. With this being said, they've invented the pop and lip enhancements for white girls to get a black girl's physique because it is more desirable than the lacking feminine physique white girls already have. White girls how does this make you feel to know that your looks are not in style anymore ? No one adores the flat s,thin lips no more and now black girls features are a man's true lust. How does this make you feel knowing this ?

People say the Falcons got lucky.......?

It was a fantastic game and both teams had their share of lucky moments, like every game. You could say the Saints were lucky for recovering on that ridiculous punt play, or for Ryan missing Douglas for the win by about an inch and a half. Like one of the commentators said, it was one of the best pure football games I've seen in a while.

Did i accidently overdose? 10 points to best answer!!!?

hey i took mucinex dm (1200 milligrams each) i took 3, and i took 2 motrin (200 milligrams each) and i took 1 extra strength tylenol (500 milligrams each) and i had 8 gummy vites, they say have 2 a day but they are so good, and i had 2 non-aspirin whcih are 500 milligrams each, and that totals out to be 4100 milligrams in about an hour. Did i accidently overdose? i am 14 and i am 4ft 10" 1/2 and 98 pounds. Mucinex contains guaifenesin and dextromethorphan and the non-aspirin contains acetaminophen while the motrin contains ibuprofen. And if you can, can you give me all of the information about overdosing and how many milligrams would it take to be considered an overdose because i heard that you are not supposed to have more than 3200 milligrams a day and i'm not sure if that is just for adults or for teens too. After i took the medicine (i have a bad cough) i felt dizzy and sleepy and before i knew it i blacked out and i woke up this morning feeling dizzy and i was forgetting stuff. Any information on this would be very helpful. Thank you :)

Attorney Client Privilege?

I work at my step mom's law office working under the table as a Gopher. My sister is getting a new car from a dealership that this client my stepmom has. I told my sister that she probably is getting a discount because the client owes her money. Is that breaking attorney client privileges? I HIGHLY doubt it, because exact specifics about debt were not discussed. If anything, my Stepmother is breaking the ACP by telling everything to me, because i am not 18, and i am paid under the table (so no taxes are paid), and therefore am not an OFFICIAL employee. please let me know

How do you think the world will end?

how do you judge your predictions. i believe some nuclear war will be erupted in future that leaves many people's life shattered. as you can see the political powers being wrestled all over the world it only need a spark to turn everything into flame. not like old days where humanity was abundant and self respect was vital but nowadays people are more bound by laws and regs that not everyone knows about and which country don't own a nuclear resources?

istance on Laser Eye Surgery?

if your getting eye laser surgery its best to go to clinic when they only specialize in eye and make a appointment if you can be candidate they will check it for once every 2 weeks.(depends how their schedule it) if if you are a candidate im sure they will give you instruction what you need to do before or after.

Which NFL wide reviever has the most touchdowns?

The all-time NFL Touchdown reciever with the most touchdowns is the best receiver ever out of Mississippi State, Jerry Rice

I have just been diagnosed with a moderate uterine prolapse. What should I do?

In addition to kegels, you may want to consider physical therapy (there are PTs that specialize in this sort of thing)

Who should I start this week for my Fantasy Football team?

You're correct on all counts here. Good job! Walter or Houshmandzadeh is a toss up; but then again Walter is going against a pourous Arizona defense; where Andre Johnson should get more attention -- thus leaving Walter to have a big game. So you've done very well here. Good luck.

How do I record a taxable donation that invovles no money exchanging hands?

My business, a website design and hosting company, has donated the design and hosting of a website for a downs Syndrome awareness organization. No money is changing hands. How do I claim that for taxes?


I don't know. But I am half Finnish ancestry, and my Dad spoke it. It's very difficult to learn. Good luck.

I have spamed one of my contacts, how can I reinstate them, so I can receive E-mail from them.?

Go to your INBOX and click on original message, click not spam in upper part of your INBOX, or go to your message INBOX and add them to your email contacts. If you can't find original you can email them and then add them to your contacts after you have sent the message to them.

What's up with older Microsoft Windows operating systems?

I have two older computers, one running something like 3.1.1 for networks and the other running Windows 95 or 2000 for operating systems... both now freeze during start up like they are looking for something, some file, and they just zone out, never finish loading... I understand these programs are all but obsolete, but seems they should still be somewhat supportable. Any ideas?

Should i dump him?

Okay, so i'm dating this really great guy. Let's call him Bob. Bob is in the Army. I'm in the Air Force. Bob is probably one of the best guys i've ever met. However, he never has time to spend with me. I see him a couple times on the weekends, and if i'm really lucky, once or twice during the week. is a rare commodity that I get once a week if i'm really lucky. I've been talking to another guy that we'll call Larry. He is in a rock band. He's gotten into a lot of trouble, but now he's in AA and trying to get his life on track. I really like him as well. And i'm very attracted to him physically. Bob doesn't seem to be comfortable around me yet. It takes a few hours to build up to our first kiss of the night which is ridiculous. I don't know what to do. I don't want to dump Bob over . Opinions?

What do I need to know about San Francisco's Public transportation?

Yahoo "SF Muni" which is the bus/light rail system in SF. BART is the subway that goes to many cities (SF, Oakland, Concord, etc.). You can pay by cash or clipper card. I do believe you can get day pes but the website will tell you. Cable cars are $5 one way (mostly for tourists).

What do you think was the first language to ever be spoken?

A lot of languages originate from latin, but going further back, what do you think is the most ancient language? Short of caveman grunting hehe

Whats your favorite funny Quote or Saying about men!!!!!!!?

"Give a man an inch and he thinks he's a ruler." I don't know who said it, but it's awfully true.

Has the recession been a good thing for women's right by knocking men off their high horse wage jobs?

Well this is a very good question... You see, the primary reason that men earn more is not because we are macho, it is just that men are smarter... It's not your fault, it's just that our brains are bigger and more capable of rational thought... It's scientific fact.

Casinos in reno that are 18 and up?

you gotta be in California to find 18 and older casino's...but once there you'll find plenty...Jackson, Cache Creek, Thunder Valley.

Question about bhagwad gita?

what slok is this?Whenever righteousness (dharma) becomes lax, O Arjuna, and injustice (adharma) arises, then I send ...

Please combine all these phrases into one good sentence?

Some 50 million Americans in the animal kingdom, constantly interrupted by psychiatrists, can now feel more exhausted than rested.

Is he after being friends again?

Ignore him. Don't your just another player in his game. He plays games. It makes him feel good when he flirts w u. He's a douche.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

New revolver seizing up in cold snowy weather high elevation?

It sounds like you are using too much oil and it is hardening up in the extreme cold. I use Rem-Oil which is very light and I wipe it off leaving a very light coating and I have never had a problem in the cold. By the way, never use WD-40. It dries leaving a hard varnish coating over time that will really jam up your gun.

4 months pregnant and prescribed Tylenol with codeine?

I went to my primary care doctor this morning and it turns out I have an ulcer on my throat. She prescribed me Tylenol with codeine. I called my OB and they said it was fine to take in the second trimester. I'm still a little concerned as it does contain the narcotic. has anyone ever had problems with this medication in pregnancy or taken it with no problems? Thanks!

Atheists, what is your opinion on this (please read all details to understand)? ?

I think they need to leave the country. We have enough illegals here already and while I feel bad for them its too risky to have them here with no way to keep an eye on what they are up to.

When should I go see a doctor?

I'm on birth control/ yasmin...my last period was april 11th. I've had sore now for the past week and a half and it seems like they have just gotten worse over time (its not because of ovulation or before my period because when they started hurting i wasn't even close to my period). I'm now wearing a sports bra because they feel heavy. I just finished my last bc pill in the pack yesterday. When should I go see a doctor?

If a baby dies inside of you, is it possible that you can bleed it out?

I was changing my tampon and after I took it out I wiped and a hard yet squishy object covered in blood showed up on the toilet paper. could it be a baby?

Mexican Futbol Section: Cruz Azulistas any of you down for a bet?

So How about it Azulistas.... Any of you down for a lil bet? Loser has to put the Rivals Logo as their pic for a whole week and cant talk bad about the team either. So any of you Azulista down for the bet? BQ: Should Vela leave the EPL for La Liga or another Euro team? Even at West Brom he is bench and cant be a starter. And hearing news about Arsenal wanting to buy a new player surely Vela will see the bench when he returns to Arsenal. A team like Malaga or Espanyol would be good for Vela. Look at Gio at Racing he is slowly winning a spot in the starting XI.

What are the advantages of korea that give it a competitive edge?

is there something manufatured in korea but not anywhere else? is korea responsible for any major innovations? how are the competitive advantages provide oppurtunity for a canadian business ( labour less expensive, skilled workforce, workforce highly educated? etc

Do you think the Texans beating the Patriots was good for the NFL?

As you can see my name is TexansFan, I think the patriots need to realize that they are the elite team in the nfl anymore. They might have been in the past, but certainly not now. I went for the texans game last Sunday and you cant even imagine what the texans defense did to the pats. So yes, it is a good thing.

How would you garnish this dish if you were using them as an appetizer on a small plate?

a href="http://mamastaverna.com/summer-meat-keftedes-kalokairinoi/" rel="nofollow"http://mamastaverna.com/summer-meat…/a

Do you understand this poem I wrote?

wow that is deep! scary! I understand where you are at, I've been there, and I love the way your play of words expresses the excitement mixed with fear and beingdirty but also need, unbelievable need to be with that person evan know all logic tells you that you cant

Which guinea pig name do you like the best?

I like cheerio(: or puddle,cloud,smudge i really love for boy piggies! bibbles is okay but,not me fave. hope i win!

Middle Eastern ride sharing?

Youve seen the images of like 2093 peoople piled in/on/hanging off the side of some truck as it wobbles its way down some dirt road right? Are they carpooling? Is it just that America isnt as green as these people?

Help, I'm being sued in the small claims court. Uk?

Contest the signature in court and the judge will have it compared to your signature, it sounds like you will win the case, just take your receipts and invoices and you will be ok.{}

Is this a championship caliber team?

Good team. Your running backs are kind of weak with exception to LJ. Your tight ends are also weak too I would try to pick up someone else if available like cooley or D.clark. You have awsome WR though to make up for it, and personally I would get a different LB if available like Barrett Ruud. He's killing it every week.

Do those of you who claim "Christian militants" are just as dangerous as Islamic ones actually believe it?

I haven't met a "Christian militant" yet who goes around cutting peoples heads off and blowing themselves and others up simply because they do not hold the same beliefs as them......have you?

Why is pogo not working today?

Mine is fine, that is if you mean Pogo.com. If everything else is okay with your computer - just try again.

Have you witnessed a dog and cat play day?

To answer you in accordance with the yahoo! terms, I would say yes, I have witnessed a dog and cat play day, many times. However, the picture this wonderful poem brings up is clearer and more vivid than my memorable past pictures of such event.

Why do I have this symptom? What are treatment? for the eyes?

I play basketball at a gym. They have a really bright lights on. Every time I run under the bright light, trying to shoot, my eye sort of hurts like i been flashed by the camera or something... I am not really dizzy but It doesnt feel too good. I see like purple colors sort of.... this only happens at the gym or like when really brite lights flashes on me... like during the nite when I play bball like outdoor or like indoor gym where they have really brite lights. I dont know if others are okay.. do people get this? what causes it? what are the treatment?

Football question please answer???????!!!?

Obviously the jets have not a number one reciever who do u think they will get or trade for or do u think they will sign plax and when and who do u think they will sign next year at wr cuz there's a huge list with pro bowler wr thanks best answer rewarded will they sign anyone this week or when thanks

We give Answers. But what r the feedback? How to get the feedback of our Answers?

For some answers, we spend a lot of time & mental energy. But subsequently it probably disappears in oblivion. But feedback for those answers r reqd so that we get impetus to do better. How to get such feedback?

Where can I find a ballet supply store in Rialto, CA?

I need a full on ballerina suit for my Halloween costume. Lace up ballet flats, the body suit and the full tutu, not the skirt.

Is sealants or tooth grinding making my brackets come off?

A couple of weeks ago I had been babysitting and accidentely eaten a hard candy which my the the bracket on the right side of mouth on my molar come off....i can understand that but it does not have a wire on it and it did not come off until morning soooo? then i woke up this morning and the other sides bracket came off and i swear that i didn't do anything to mess it up...i had a chewy browny and pizza that was squishy and the crust wasnt hard...for lunch i had fries and chicken...and i didn't have breakfast...furthermore...i had tested each one b4 i went to bed to make sure they were on securely and i was not rough on them either...WHAT'S GOING ON?!! also do orthodontists make you pay for bracket replacement?

If your child is sick are they at a higher risk of SIDS?

My daughter has just started sneezing and coughing when i out her down tonight, she seems well other than that but i now cant sleep worrying he will get all clogged up and stp breathing morbid i know but are babies at a higher risk of SIDS when sick?

Why do people continue to compare Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson?

Tiger Woods is the best professional golfer ever. No offense because it SUCK his father died. BUT, the worst thing that could have happened to the rest of the "field" was the death of his father. Tiger Woods is now "on fire." The best is yet to come. The gap between Tiger Woods...the number one player on Earth and second is HUGE.

Who am I supposed to be? I want to join the FBI but I also want to be a mad scientist.?

I meant a scientist on the cutting edge of science or a hard punching and shooting FBI agent who pursues strange phenomenon with the department of Homeland Security...what should I do.... I have to write this mega statement about who I am and what I want to be just to be considered for re-admittance into my university so I have to be sincere. It's going to be reviewed by a big committee and this is to get back in after failing while on academic probation. Another words, I have to convince them to let me back in because my suspension is indefinite.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Why does MTV think that rich white kids are what people want to see?

From the Real World, Laguna Beach, The Hills, now Maui Fever...why does MTV think that rich white kids are what people want to see? Where is the "Music" in Music Television?

In the deathly hallows, why did narcissa tell voldemort that harry was dead when she knew he was alive?

I mean, she's supposed to be bad! She told Voldemort Harry was dead when she knew he was alive! He TALKED to her, for crying out loud.

How do you tell your adult step daugher how she is making you feel in your own home?

The fact that you have tolerated her behavior for so long is exactly the problem. She did not have boundaries and limits established when she was young and it will be difficult to do so now. The only thing you can do now is to set those boundaries and stick to them. It is entirely possible that it will drive a serious wedge between the two of you, but it is also your home and the safety of the children is paramount. Sit down as a family and set simple guidelines and rules for behavior. She needs to take care of her child and any children she charged with the care of as well as cleaning after herself. You will also need to get your husband involved. If he will not help you, then it can't work and you will just be the bad guy to both of them.

How come I don't feel sore after my workouts?

I've been exercising for 2 weeks and I'm now doing 2-3 sets of 15-20. I don't feel after I exercise. Do I still build muscle? I only have a set of 20 lb dumbbells, an e-z bar with extra weights, and a barbell with extra weights. I mostly use the dumbbells to stabilize my arms and as well for increasing strength.

Are , gay, biual and transual people excessively politically correct to the point of concern?

I just asked a question no less than an hour ago. A genuine question. Even though it straddled along some delicate matters, it was far from hate speech and I'm pretty sure I gave hints that I was asking from a standpoint. Regardless, it was reported by a seemingly sensitive crowd, and I didn't even get to read the responses. Is this what the gay subculture has plummeted to in the modern era? Are we no longer free to speak our minds? Are we to reduce our words and ideas in hopes of not offending? Does the gay subculture now represent a pedantic agenda instead of a liberating one?

Would you proofread my resume? Does it p the sniff test? 10 pts?

You have a good resume with alot of work experience. To help improve your resume at the top, under "Qualifications" I would make it personal according to the company you are applying for. For instance, I would say " I am a Information Techonologist looking to work for_________ where I can apply my many skills in the company....etc..etc. By making it personal it shows that you have an interest in this one company and not any company that will hire you. I hope this helps and good luck.

First auto transplant failed and cancer spread?

I have non-hodgkins lymphoma. I was diagnosed a year ago and had it in my chest and neck. I did R-Chop chemo and that got rid of the cancer in my neck and shrunk the cancer in my chest. Then since the cancer was still in my chest I did R-ice chemo and that shrunk the cancer in my chest then moved on to auto stem cell transplant. Recently I found out the auto shrunk my tumor in my chest but didn't get rid of it. Also the non-hodgkins lymphoma has spread to my liver and one kidney. They now are starting another regimen of chemo immediately and want to do an allogenic transplant. If the auto failed does the allogenic have a shot at working? Has anyone done both?

My sisters life with her husband. Please help me how to solve her life issue?

ur sister & her kids have no future with tht guy....its better tht ur sister get seperated from him..or atlest live sepertly....till the time she is on her own..u may support her....she has to earn for herself n kids....so give her time time to become able to earn herself...

Headline: "Lance Armstrong Doped" when does it appear?

Bullcookies ! Lance was the most tested rider in history. And he always came up CLEAN ! The man is retired. Enough already. You may as well talk about Clinton while you're at it.

Rate my Fantasy Baseball Team '09?

Dump Sheets and Putz and get more bench hitters. Putz isn't a closer and won't give you any real stats. Does Sheets have a job???????

Arranging Furniture in a small, awkward living room?

I have a very small apartment/living room that connects my bedroom and my kitchen. There is a large half wall on the left when you walk into my house, that is tough to arrange the furniture around. In the corner I have a small foot by a foot and a half wall thing that comes out of the wall directly across from the door. To the left when you walk in the door is the entrance of my bedroom. and past the wall to the left is the entrance to my kitchen. I have a large couch, love seat, television stand, large hutch, an octagon coffee table, and an end table. My fiance and I pretty much have one way to set up our living room... Which is getting kinda old. Please Helpp! If you can help me... I can try to send pictures of the way we have it set up now so there is some idea.

Fable 2 Hero of Will?

I just beat the crucible have I already ped the hero of will because if I did I did not get the achievement. Thanks

Why was the life expectancy in medieval Japan so low?

Is that from a scientific or historical journal? Doesn't sound right for historical times. Maybe 40-45 years. But 20? Medieval is historical.

Are very small natural better than fake ones of any size?

I cannot stand the thought of being with someone with fake s. Any size is OK with me as long as they are not fake. I am wondering how many other guys share my feelings. Ladies, please chime in as well.

How to attach a shelf to a TV wall mount?

I would recommend you take a look at amazon they have many wall mounts at reasonable prices and links to other places that also have these...

I'm a girl... Is my ex-boyfriend gay?

He very well could be gay. I once dated a guy who had similar things going on with him. He was heavily into religion(although not Christianity) and being right by it. And yes, he would play this card from time to time to avoid certain activities with me(although not necessarily ual ones). Not to mention he would have gay men hitting on him quite a bit, and would be all to quick to fire back bigoted, phobic comments("you f----t", for instance). Being that many gay people can tell who else is gay and that many people who are phobic are often insecure about themselves, I would say the possibility is definitely there.

Does anyone know any good books that help with GCSE Textiles Technology?

well i am doing some prodject like that go to yahoo.com then serach teghnology or what ur looking for take big looks u will find some i bet !:)

Goal rule in NHL hockey?

As long as there is clear evidence to support that the puck is indeed in the glove and that it has crossed the line than it is a goal. However, an opposing player cannot push the glove over the line or shove the goalie into the net or it is an immediate goalie interference penalty and rather than a potential goal one has to kill the penalty:( But yes if the goalie catches the puck and simply falls back into the net with the momentum of the shot and the ref/video review can clearly see the puck in the glove across the line than it is a goal

Who knows of modelling agencies/ wesites for plus size women?

At 5' 6", you are too short for Plus modeling for agencies. None of them will sign you. You have to be a minimum of 5' 8" to do any kind of agency modeling including Plus modeling.

What can happen if I walk the railroad tracks?

Until a few years ago I did that all the time. You see a lot of deer in my area. Never heard of it being illegal, but I did hear a lot of the train will get you stuff.

LOL... Ok lets say you invited one of these clowns to host a birthday party and LOL this individual...........

had no tallent and started blowing all these balloons that were just like well..... or something for the kiddies, wouldn't that be just totally wong!?! lol....

Can you give me the ultimate list of Cheap Airfare Websites?

See a href="http://www.travelbargainsites.com" rel="nofollow"http://www.travelbargainsites.com/a for a list of cheap travel sites. There are some sites at that web site that you haven't listed.

Where can you find good sweatpants?

Victoria's Secret, of course. Abercrombie & Fitch also. Juicy Couture. If you're into cheaper ones, I think basically anywhere has sweats. The comfiest are the kind from the Boy's section!

Why was Obama having a beer summit with fellow rockstar U2 singer Bono when he should have been in Louisiana?

If he did you'd be accusing him of doing a photo op and wasting tax dollars on Air Force 1. Obama is going there sunday and looky lou

Do you believe in ghosts?

Hi im Sid, I had the most spooky experience this morning when I was at work and saw what I could only describe as a skeleton standing right in front of me. Of course I ran screaming and luckily I bumped into a security guard who explained to me that I was the chief radiographer at a Liverpool hospital and I had simply been looking at an X-ray.

What's gonna happen to the Joker???

Heath is dead, who will take his place? Jim Carrey? Jack Nicholson? Dana Carvey?(Oh god no.) Is he just gonna be ripped of the script or is he gonna be in Jail for the rest of the Batman storyline? I'm sad.

I have a problem with finding the exact mother boards for my computer im looking for a intel 775?

The I d for the mother boards is in73m2 -phg-vt any one can direct me a link so I can buy a new one I cant seem to find it on myown

Possible Miscarraige?? Please Help?

Ok first off sorry for the graphic details but this is what is going on: I have been on birth control now for several years (same pill, have not sswitched brands) and my period has always been like clockwork. I have taken it every day at the same time (part of my routine :) and have not missed any pills. I am halfway through my current pack. Anyway yesterday when I woke up and went to the restroom I had quite a bit of red blood and period like cramping and that continued throughout the day. When I woke up this morning and went to the restroom there was more blood but it was darker in color and had alot of mucus clumps in it. Could this be a sign of a miscarriage or something else. I am begining to get worried, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

End the Drug War?

Just kill all the cartles/gangs/people/governments that supply the drugs. And also kill all the drug dealers.

How does this dinner sound?

Everything sounds great except the "malt." I thought the only flavor for malt was chocolate??? This might not jive with white wine. Maybe just something small like a chocolate truffle. Your really making alot of different foods...might be best to make dessert "lite." Another idea would be chocloate dipped strawberries. You sound like a really sweet person, hope your dinner is a success. Good Luck

What do you think of my writing?

It's OK. In parts you have some syntax errors that make it a bit choppy and hard to read. You write a lot in the pive voice. Your dialogue needs LOTS of work - it is very flat and stiff because you really don't know your characters well enough. When you finish writing = do one or two rewrites before you have it edited professionally if you plan on trying to publish. Pax-C

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Has Eddie Van Halen lost his mind?

Sorry,but anyone who thinks that dropping down $25K will make you a better guitar player deserves to have their money ripped off them.

Muslims and Christians, what you think of my newly discovered thought?

I think that violence is violence. Influened by Moslems or not, Moslems have a violent religion. Yes, there are good Moslems, but the most devoted Moslems are violent.

A tattoo for my Papa?

I'm really sorry for your loss. At least you have so many positive memories of your father you can remember. If your Dad had a tattoo, you could get a modified version of it for yourself. You could get a symbol of something important to you both with his name and date of birth and death underneath. If you want to get little things from his life and emble them as a tattoo (like the video, golfing, thistle etc) make sure it's simple and uncluttered otherwise it could look awful. You knew your father best, so it's totally up to you how you choose to remember him.

How to make it up to my bestfriend?

My friend is constantly upset with me the first time cuz i lied to her but that was a month or so ago. Now recently she got upsets with my friend from my college cuz they ran in my room wanting to go to ihop forcing me to get off the phone rudely and then cuz i talked about how much i had fun and didn't comment on her new pics now shes at the point where shes accepting it meaning shes really irritated or hurt and im horrible at knowing how to make it up to her. Remember shes in Indy I'm in Terre Haute

Why did Elle Bartowski Cheat on her Husband?

Why did she kiss Jeff at Chuck's rehearsal dinner when she is married to Devon (Awesome)?? Why did she do it??

Friend with benifets question?

Ok so I am a 14 year old guy, recently me and this girl decided it it'd be cool to be friends with benefits, now at first glance that's the best thing a guy can here, a hot girl who just wants to be friends with benefits, I get to make out wih her, finger and maybe get a little head but, I'm not entirely sure if I should go for a friend with benifets thing with her I don't know it kinda feels wrong but at the same time so very right and awsome im like 55/45 on this (no to yes respectivly) please could I get some opinions on this.

Hey i got an awesome job offer should i take it or no?

hey guys im 19 years old graduated and not yet attending college, My dad wants to give me his Courier job which is mon-fri 7 pm to 2 am driving a van delivering Red Cross equipment, the Company pays for the gas and everything. He brings home 650 $ a week from that run. Should i take it or is it to much? let me no

When I hit "Start" then "Programs" I cannot see all my programs. How can I consolidate them?

If you cannot see all of them then they are consolidated. Add more details to your question to make it clearer what exactly you need to know.

What would you do if you were accused of doing something you didn't do?

Ok so I am pretty new on my job. I have been there for almost 9 months. I have tried to maintain my work ethic and integrity. I have stayed out of drama, tried not to talk about others and just kept my cool when things were overwhelming. Let's face it, jobs right now are a hard commodity to find and although I haven't gotten a raise I still need my job. It pays the bills. So imagine my surprise when I was pulled into the office and accused of downloading a game on my shift. First of all, in my defense, I am NOT the type of person to DOWNLOAD anything ESPECIALLY AT WORK!! NEVER EVER! That's just not something I would ever do. I look at it like this. Those aren't my computers and I wouldn't want someone to come to my house and download things on mine. I am very aware of spyware and adware which can be potentially harmful to computers. We rely on our PCs at work. In fact when they are broke down it's that much more difficult to do the job correctly. So, anyway my boss informs me that while I downloaded this game, it had spyware and caused a virus on the computer which then had to be re-phased. You have to understand I am the only one who works on third shift. So it's my word against hers. She had this piece of paper in her hand which had many different syllables and numeric symbols. It was greek to me. It never stated the name of the game in which I was supposed to download. She said she did some research and it was when I was on duty. FIGURES! But here is the very interesting part. It was at 6:39AM about the time the first shift person came in at 7. Now I don't know about you, but if you were going to download a game and then delete it before anyone found out, wouldn't you do it long before it was almost time to go home? I mean common sense tells you that, right? IF I did download something which had a virus in it, IT WASN'T intentional in the least! In fact, there are times when we have to look up things which pertain to our job. I can't lie and say I have never looked up other things. But you can't play games online. I feel like I have been singled out for doing something I have seen others doing. But they didn't get into trouble. I DID! I swear I am the ONLY person I know who tries the hardest to behave and gets into trouble. It seems to follow me. So now, the worst part is my boss thinks I sit on my bum all night and plays games. I sure wish that was the case. Anyone I work with can attest to the fact that I work HARD. I don't sit at the computer and I certainly do not play games!!! It frustrates me because I have no way to defend myself. -Question- If someone else had downloaded something earlier in the night, and I had shut the computer down and restarted it, could it have looked as if I was the one who had downloaded the game and the virus? Any techies out there? Please help me! I am so confused I just want to quit my job and say **** it!

Dew ewe tink dat grammer is reel importint, oh and seplleing too?

Does it make you feel more or less of people according to how they communicate via the written word???? Are you silently prejudicial about it? Or ...well?

Pet advice....please...?

could anyone give their opinion on how to deal with the loss of a beloved pet. (dog). Couple gave 15 years total devotion to a shaggy mutt, and they are heartbroken. I think but without experience that they could in time give a loving home to another dog. They say they couldnt. Anyone ever in a similar situation and could give me advice to p on. (said couple not computer literate)

Please Help 8week kitten sup box trained but not using it going on rug n paper n cloth?

just put her box where she is making messes and keep putting her in it--especially if you catch her. She may be adjusting or the lady might have lied. call the lady and ask how the kitten was trained and rtrain the kitten. Good luck!

Is this poem too sappy?

It is not too sappy at all. In fact, it is one of the most beautiful love poems I have ever read. It has love in every word. The third stanza is my favorite. It is absolutely lovely. You have a wonderful way with words. Never stop. Thank you.

Can iguanas get u sick ? how can u prevent it ?

Most animals that are considered as pets carry diseases that humans can catch. They are known as zoonoses. The main one would be Salmonella. This is an organism that is everywhere, it does float in the air. You can get it from most likely anything, but mostly from food. The chances are pretty small that you would get this from an Iguana, as long as you wash your hands after handling. The same goes with petting your dog or cat. It is just common sense to wash your hands. In most cases Salmonella is a mild illness, unless your immune system is compromised is some way, such as being young or elderly. Just remember to wash your hands.

Would you live in a home like this?

I used watch a show on the Science Channel called Beyond Tomorrow. I remember an episode about amphibious houses. The Dutch are constructing homes with inflatable hulls on the cs and polders. They're supposed to be buoyant in case of a flood. In Tokyo, the Japanese are constructing a park on a pier. I'm convinced water will be the new oil, and I believe they should replace all the offshore oil platforms with new communities for people to live. They can even make build them in harbors of major port cities. They can be powered by tidal and wave power and watered through desalination plants. In other words, you'd have a home away from home. Imagine an elaborate marine neighborhood at the mouth of the East River in New York Harbor? Picture some offshore houses floating in the Port of Los Angeles and amphibious homes along the Mississippi or the shores of Lake Michigan. Would you live in a place like that?

I heard that there were OCD support groups?

BUT no one makes it in BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL IN THE PARKING LOT CHECKING THEIR CARS. hee I have OCD and thought that was really funny.

I'm about to have my first mammogram, are they very painful?

Should I take a pain reliever before I go? What should I expect? How long does it take? I'd like to know what your experience was like. Thank you!

How do you plug into these new electrical outlets? We can't get the plugs to go in.?

Just remodeled, and the new outlets have these opaque white blocking devices in front of where the prongs should go. Please help, we've already bent a couple of plugs and damaged drywall just trying to get things plugged in.

My car won't start. Makes a click noise?

I have a 1998 Infiniti I30. Recently it started overheating and I was having to add water into the radiator every 2-3 days. What might the problem be?

Does anyone know why you weigh about the same on the poles as on the equator? I have the answer!?

the earth surface is spinning about 1000 mph at the equator and less than 1mph at the poles. How can you weigh the same?

Non Catholics tell me how you justify your lies and claims you make against the Catholic Church?

It is obvious that you know nothing of Catholic Doctrines and teachings or have attended any Catholic Mes. One person recently made the claim that at Catholic Mes it's was all Mary Mary Mary which is as blatant of a lie one could tell about Catholics and then proceeded to say we Pray to Statues another out right lie. The list of lies i've read on YA would take a very long list but most here know the ones i'm talking about and it's not people who just honestly do not comprehend why we believe as we believe but the rest who seem to think the means justify the end as a good reason to lie.

What do you think of my diet?

I think it looks good (I"m not a dietician or anything) except 4 fish capsules/day might be too much. I'd cut it down to 2. Also I'm not clear if the egg whites is in the smoothie, uming it's not but just in case it is it's not healthy to eat raw eggs due to salaminela poisoning.

What should I say if I die and God says to me, "Why should I let you enter Heaven?"?

I would throw myself on His Divine Mercy saying that He had called me out of apostasy back to Him, therefore I was His to do with as He will... God bless.

Fair Trade? Who Wins?

It looks to me like team 1 gets the upper-hand in this trade. Both teams look pretty good, but team 1 looks slightly better.

Would someone like to tell me what to do about my lungs?

You could have the flu with pneumonia, so get checked out. (i had both at the same time). Yellow phlegm is not good, and if it turns green, you definitely have an infection that needs antibiotics. Please, find out if you have pneumonia, as well.

I need to find a therapist in the Chicago - River Grove area?

I'm not even sure what type I am looking for. I have been suffering from very severe depression. I have Medicare. A lot of my childhood I dont remember but I do remember there was abuse involved but this is only one thing I want to deal with. I really am looking for a therapist that can use hypnosis if they feel it would be helpful or other advanced techniques that I may not even know about. I want to find someone that I can trust 100% because once I start I want to complete therapy and get better. I also would like a therapist that has experience with recovering addicts. It has always seemed to me that there is a dark cloud covering me and I am under it all alone. There are a lot of areas that I need help with and I want to get better so bad, at least have hope that I can get better. I just want to be happy from within and I want to learn to love myself because at 47 im not getting younger and im tired of just surviving another unhappy miserable day. Can anyone help? Thanks

I'm auditioning for Seussical the Musical. What song should audition with.?

I am going out for the part of the cat in the hat. I am a 15 year old male tenor. I need a good upbeat song to audition with. What song should it be? From what show?

Hot black guy with his fat white girlfriend in a two piece bikini at a chicago beach. Is it common? Is it cute?

Being white myself i thought the dude (maybe 18 or 19) was smokin hot but his white girlfriend was probably 5 foot 3, 185 pounds. She did have a very pretty face and no cellulite but big love handles and a large belly bursting out and hanging over her two piece bikini. And her small just added to the look

Can i hold my school reliable if...?

Since it happened on school property, the school is responsible for what happens to the students. They should have had ice melt or sand down on the sidewalks. So, yes, you can sue the school. Talk to your parents and maybe see about a lawyer.

Who do you think deserves heismen?

I think that colt Brennan deserves it but, he never is talked about his team went 11-0 and he broke the ncaa record for most touchdowns in ncaa history you thoughts?

Whats the best travel site to find the cheapest airfare to asia?

You're going to have a hard time finding good fares to Vientiane, not many major airlines fly there, you might look for good fares to Bangkok or Hong Kong and then look for a flight from either city or overland from Bangkok. You're right about fares being sky high to Asia lately and the Olympics in Beijing don't help either. If you can wait until October Cathay Pacific has fares for a little over $1,000 after Oct. 1 to Bangkok, China Airlines (Taiwan) is usually the best fare to many Asian cities from SFO. You might check some of the Asian travel agencies in the Bay Area and the Sunday travel section of the Chronicle for consolidators. If you can't wait until October, $1,500 to Vientiane isn't that bad these days. Good luck.